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to bank snow

См. также в других словарях:

  • bank — I [[t]bæŋk[/t]] n. 1) a long pile or heap; mass: a bank of earth; a bank of clouds[/ex] 2) a slope or acclivity 3) geo the slope immediately bordering a stream course along which the water normally runs 4) oce a broad elevation of the sea floor… …   From formal English to slang

  • Bank Vole — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) …   Wikipedia

  • Snow Angel (play) — Snow Angel is a 1999 play by American playwright David Lindsay Abaire. Synopsis When the quiet town of Deerpoint, Vermont is hit by the biggest blizzard in 107 years, a mysterious girl named Eva steps out of a snow bank and into the lives of 15… …   Wikipedia

  • snow|bank — «SNOH BANGK», noun. a large mass or drift of snow, especially at the side of a road …   Useful english dictionary

  • bank — bank1 [baŋk] n. [ME banke < MFr banque < OIt banca, orig., table, moneylenders exchange table < OHG bank, bench: see BANK2] 1. an establishment for receiving, keeping, lending, or, sometimes, issuing money, and making easier the exchange …   English World dictionary

  • Bank — (b[a^][ng]k), n. [OE. banke; akin to E. bench, and prob. of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. bakki. See {Bench}.] 1. A mound, pile, or ridge of earth, raised above the surrounding level; hence, anything shaped like a mound or ridge of earth; as, a bank… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bank beaver — Bank Bank (b[a^][ng]k), n. [OE. banke; akin to E. bench, and prob. of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. bakki. See {Bench}.] 1. A mound, pile, or ridge of earth, raised above the surrounding level; hence, anything shaped like a mound or ridge of earth; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bank swallow — Bank Bank (b[a^][ng]k), n. [OE. banke; akin to E. bench, and prob. of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. bakki. See {Bench}.] 1. A mound, pile, or ridge of earth, raised above the surrounding level; hence, anything shaped like a mound or ridge of earth; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • snow|drift — «SNOH DRIHFT», noun. 1. a mass or bank of snow piled up by the wind. 2. snow driven before the wind …   Useful english dictionary

  • bank — I. /bæŋk / (say bangk) noun 1. a long pile or mass: bank of earth; bank of snow; bank of clouds. 2. a slope or acclivity. 3. Physical Geography the slope immediately bordering the course of a river along which the water normally runs. 4.… …  

  • bank — bank1 W1S1 [bæŋk] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(place for money)¦ 2¦(river/lake)¦ 3 blood/sperm/organ bank 4¦(clouds/mist)¦ 5¦(raised area)¦ 6¦(machines)¦ 7¦(game)¦ 8 be makin bank 9¦(road)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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